Hallelujah! I went to Friday school today. When I woke up this morning I was very excited. I put some wet clothes in the dryer (they were washed) and put bread in to the toaster. Then I sat down in front of the T.V and watched the news with Mama and Daddy. After I ate my toast I checked on my clothes. They were not dry yet. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. My clothes were still not dry. Oh well, I thoguht. Then I took out my damp clothes and put them on. Mama, Gabe, Jesse, Gina, and me drove to Al's IGA and got lunchables and candy bars and juice for me and soda for Gabe and Jesse. I put my food into my lunch box and then we drove to the school.
When we first got to school Gabe, Jesse, and me went into the Outreach building and put our backpacks on the sofa in the multipurpose room. After we talked to the other kids and greeted the other cool people we know, we went to science. In science class we took a large blue poster board and cut out teeny little planets. We were doing the planets based their size. Pluto was so tiny that it looked like a scrap of paper that had fallen. My work was so good that Susan the science teacher held it up. She liked the fact that I had dotted my blue poster board with a white colored pencil. It looked like stars. I also drew a space man.
After that was geography. In geography we studied latitude and longitude. I was not good at it. After we studied latitude and longitude we drew wall art. people in Europe used to paint their walls. so we took paper and drew patterns on it. Mary served us tea and let us listen to Italian opera. It is relaxing. For art Sami gave a presentation on Andy Warhol. Our art project was to take an icon and repeat it four times useing different colors for each of the pictures. It was fun. A boy in my class did the apple symbol. Gabe did a G for Gabe. I did a giraffe.
After lunch we went to tech class. In tech class I found out that all of my project got deleted. So I restarted and got a lot done. At P.E it was too wet to go outside so we did P.E inside. I did 4 push-ups and 0 curl ups. The only reason I didn't get to do curl-ups is because it was the end of the day and I had to come home. Raine is here now and so is Aunt Vivian and Uncle Dan and Aunt Paula. Good-Bye and thank-you for reading!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Rest of Tuesday
Hi! For the Rest of Tuesday that happened after I blogged Sami came over and I talked to her for an hour-and-a-half. I tried to make her play a game but she declined. Then I ate dinner and we ate chicken and Doritos. We also had Coke. Then we got dressed for meeting and when we came back they watched the Incredible Hulk while I soaked in the bath.It was a very good day.
My Caption is "No Hotdog for dinnerz. Just Toephoo"
My Caption is "No Hotdog for dinnerz. Just Toephoo"
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday/Tuesday Morning
Hello. I'm posting for yesterday and today. On Monday Morning I had cereal for breakfast. Then I had to work on homework until like 3-o-clock in the afternoon. Then I read my book Polly's Secret for a very long time. My family and I went and saw the inside of the new house Sky and Ganny are moving into. It has a piano in it but the piano isn't staying there :(. So we went home and had our dinner. I have to say, There was a lot of interesting things going on at the dinner table yesterday. So afterwards we read bible reading and I did my sit ups. Then everybody did their sit-ups and we did all this fitness stuff. So that was cool. Then I took a bath and went to bed. This morning I finished my Belize essay and I did the rest of my homework. I also chatted with my Uncle Dan on IM for a while. Then we went to school and I found out that Hugh Tower was subbing for Carol. So I went in for my consultants meeting and Found out I did a great job on my essay. I got less homework than usual this week. Yay! I did Reading Detective,Skillsbook, and most of my World Geography for this week. Mr. Tower also gave me another essay (ugh) on why children should NOT listen to music while doing chores, sleeping, or doing homework. Personally, I just agreed to this essay because I wanted to see Dakota's reaction. Anyway, I went home with daddy and Gabe after lunch ( Chicken and JoJo's.) Then I got on the computer and started to blog. Thanks for reading!

Hey! This isn't cheebs! No it's my friend from the other side

Haha.. She is such a joker
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hi! How are all of my fans!! Well you know the dream writer? I think I will write story ideas sometimes too. Yah dream writer is AWSOME!!!! You should check out her blogs. They are cool to the hizzy wich is czool. So on Friday we went to outward bounds which was wicked awsome. I did a ton of things there that were super cool. I hiked up this humongo mountain and my legs felt like falling off. I also did some zen drawings (see forevermuzik94.blogspot.com for more details.) I also interviewed a tree. Wow!
My caption is, I wuz wunderin whut ma nose tasted like
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I ♥ Pancakes!!!
Yay! Mom made pancakes for breakfast today! I had two. I'm starting a thing called Chibi pic. of the day it will be great. I will also ask you to give a caption for it in your comments. Okay, here is the Chibi pic. of the day...
drum roll please!
TA DA!!!
She didn't get a very good sleep last night...
drum roll please!
TA DA!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Hi everyone, sorry I havn't posted in a couple days. Today I am sick!! I have a horrible sore throat and a stuffed nose and my nose hurts because I have been blowing it so much. I ate soup for breakfast and pretty much stayed inside all day. GRAAAA my throat hurts!!! So yesterday I did a bunch of homework and Sunday I went to the Rainmeyers (the Tammy and Sami ones). On Saturday I went to pizza hut and I ate a huge pzone. Soo yahh. here are some pictures
Here is me before hair cut

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
All in a simple Wednesday....
Hey everybody! I'm going to start writing better starting now.... Wednesday, the Fiery crimson ball of light rose over the distant hills and poured onto the surface of the earth. Birds opened there beaks to sing loudly. Slumbering bodies rolled over in their bed and opened their eyes slightly. Father's loud, booming voice said "Time to get up, children!" Rubbing my blurry eyes, I shakily set one foot on the cold floor.
♥ ♥ ♥
I was soon sitting on the velvety green davenport staring out the smudgy window. My garden was not doing so well. Flowers' heads drooped unhappily. Wistfully, I dropped my head onto the armrest and closed my heavy eyelids. Suddenly I sprang up and flew out the back door. By the time it clanged shut I was too far away to hear it. I sank to my knees when I reached the sandpile, for that was as far as I had wanted to go. Soft sand lay underfoot. I heard howling coyotes in the end of the property. I knew that they were probably farther away than it seemed, but that didn't matter to me. I stood, frightened by the yowling dog voices. Quickly I turned around and ran back to the house. When I got there everyone was dressing into their clothes. I slipped into the bedroom and took off my pajamas.
♥ ♥ ♥
Sometime later I sat down on a wooden chair in front of the breakfast table. My backpack sat on the chair next to me. In front of me lay a math textbook, a sharpened pencil, and mug of cocoa. Oh how I tire of writing sums, reading biographies, and spelling difficult words! Lucky for me, A friend drove up the drive way at that moment. Her name is Kelly, and she arrived with 4 new quilts! I claimed a pretty quilt, sprinkled with flowers and butterflies. I quickly made up my bed with it. It looked so pretty on my bed. The sun shone on the bed from the windowsill. It was fresh, crisp, and clean. Although I had to return to my work, I felt better. While I was working on my fractions, I was faintly listening to the conversaition that Kelly and my mother were having. This helped me get along, and before I knew it, it was luncheon time. Lunceon was a bowl filled with warm beef flavored broth and soft chewy noodles. We call it Top Ramen, or noodle soup. After Luncheon I was working on my fractions again when my mother got an unexpected telephone call from a nice girl named Bethany.
It was on this day that we were to get our pictures taken for school. Bethany was to be the photographer. We were going to drive to the park at 3:00. Instead it was 1:00 and Bethany said that they were ready to take the pictures. In a frantic rush, we all sqeezed into the bathroom and brushed our teeth, combed our hair, and practiced our sparkling smiles. Finally we all piled into the large indigo van and buckled our seat belts. It was a pretty ride to town, and I seldom had the oppertunity to see it. When we got there I ran to the tree where photos were being snapped.
♥ ♥ ♥
We had our photos taken in at least 7 different places. I was so anxious to play at the park I hardly waited for the last shot to be snapped before I tore myself away from the group and flung myself into an open swing. After a brief moment of catching my breath, I realized I was the only one in the park. I swung on swings, climbed monkey bars, and slid down slides. Mother and Gina came back from the store and we drove home. I returned to fractions. George and Marylin are coming soon. It was a good day...
C.T Always diet cold turkey.
♥ ♥ ♥
I was soon sitting on the velvety green davenport staring out the smudgy window. My garden was not doing so well. Flowers' heads drooped unhappily. Wistfully, I dropped my head onto the armrest and closed my heavy eyelids. Suddenly I sprang up and flew out the back door. By the time it clanged shut I was too far away to hear it. I sank to my knees when I reached the sandpile, for that was as far as I had wanted to go. Soft sand lay underfoot. I heard howling coyotes in the end of the property. I knew that they were probably farther away than it seemed, but that didn't matter to me. I stood, frightened by the yowling dog voices. Quickly I turned around and ran back to the house. When I got there everyone was dressing into their clothes. I slipped into the bedroom and took off my pajamas.
♥ ♥ ♥
Sometime later I sat down on a wooden chair in front of the breakfast table. My backpack sat on the chair next to me. In front of me lay a math textbook, a sharpened pencil, and mug of cocoa. Oh how I tire of writing sums, reading biographies, and spelling difficult words! Lucky for me, A friend drove up the drive way at that moment. Her name is Kelly, and she arrived with 4 new quilts! I claimed a pretty quilt, sprinkled with flowers and butterflies. I quickly made up my bed with it. It looked so pretty on my bed. The sun shone on the bed from the windowsill. It was fresh, crisp, and clean. Although I had to return to my work, I felt better. While I was working on my fractions, I was faintly listening to the conversaition that Kelly and my mother were having. This helped me get along, and before I knew it, it was luncheon time. Lunceon was a bowl filled with warm beef flavored broth and soft chewy noodles. We call it Top Ramen, or noodle soup. After Luncheon I was working on my fractions again when my mother got an unexpected telephone call from a nice girl named Bethany.
It was on this day that we were to get our pictures taken for school. Bethany was to be the photographer. We were going to drive to the park at 3:00. Instead it was 1:00 and Bethany said that they were ready to take the pictures. In a frantic rush, we all sqeezed into the bathroom and brushed our teeth, combed our hair, and practiced our sparkling smiles. Finally we all piled into the large indigo van and buckled our seat belts. It was a pretty ride to town, and I seldom had the oppertunity to see it. When we got there I ran to the tree where photos were being snapped.
♥ ♥ ♥
We had our photos taken in at least 7 different places. I was so anxious to play at the park I hardly waited for the last shot to be snapped before I tore myself away from the group and flung myself into an open swing. After a brief moment of catching my breath, I realized I was the only one in the park. I swung on swings, climbed monkey bars, and slid down slides. Mother and Gina came back from the store and we drove home. I returned to fractions. George and Marylin are coming soon. It was a good day...
C.T Always diet cold turkey.
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