Who made that dumb phrase up!!! March came like a lamb, and it's leaving like a lamb! I haven't seen one good storm since March started. I am not talking about just rain, I am talking about thunder, lightning, HAIL THE SIZE OF MINIVANS!!! But, I am also glad that stupid snow is gone. I can wait for next winter. Mom said that by September I'll be begging for winter but I know that's not true.
Man, I used to love getting my picture taken but now I don't. I like my profile picture because I didn't have to smile. It rocks. I can finally type really good now. I am at like almost 50 wpm. It's cool. Well that's all the news for now. OH! My cousin, aunt and uncle are coming over Friday and spending like 5 days over here. I can't wait! I'm starting a countdown of days.