I suppose I'd better update my blog, since it's been awhile since last post. Right now I'm kicking it coastie style while I live up my last week of vacation. My Aunt Chanelle and Uncle Kioki have generously extended their hospitality to me while I'm on "the coast" to visit my friends and family.
Wow. What to say? These past two weeks have been nothing short of heaven for me. I came down to Kirkland with my Aunt Paula on December 14th, and have been living the good life ever since.
On the 16th I went to a party, which turned out to be pretty fun despite my previous ideas. Cousin Keliana and I burned up the dance floor with our mad moves, and Akela did pretty good too, I must say. The musicians played a lot of hits from the past three decades.
From the 17th to the 19th Keliana, Akela and I house-sat for some friends of my Aunt Chanelle. It was an excuse to stay up far too late and watch all the old Disney hits.
Monday, the 19th, the girls and I went for a shopping spree and I dropped some money for much-needed new clothing. We stopped at 'Everything Party' and they both bought these awesome masks, which, after my suggestion, they promptly wore as we walked to Payless two blocks away. A mixed reaction from the passing cars had us- and our viewers- laughing quite hard.
One day last week Akela's brother Kioni came over and all of us had a jam session- me with my electric, Akela and hers, and Kioni on his uke. They're far better musicians than me, but it was still pretty dang fun, I'll say.
Went to a great get-together last night at a beautiful home sitting right against Lake Washington. I met some new friends, played charades, got mercilessly beat at it, and then sat on the edge of the dock for a while. It really was fun.
This morning I woke at 7, ran to Starbucks with Aunt Chanelle, and then worked on my writing for a while.
So this is what I've been doing to keep busy! I guess its more of chronological time-line than anything else, but I hope you enjoyed it! I'll be heading back home to Tonasket in a week's time, but I hope to do more fun, blog-worthy stuff this week. Hopefully I'll get up the nerve to post a big, fat post to make up for all these wimpy ones.
Au Revoir!