Thursday, December 25, 2008


   As you can clearly see from the title, nothing exciting has happened here lately. The snow has been piling up in great heaps. This morning we woke up at 9:59, which was bad because we were supposed to be at the Kammeyer's house at 10:00 for brunch. So we called them and told them we were going to be "a little late." We all got ready as fast as possible, then we left. Gabriel and Jesse were dropped off with Gina because they were going to the Week's Residence. Then Daddy, Mama, and I went to Rob & Gina Ks. Immediately when we got there I announced (as I usually do) that "The party had arrived." Then I went to say hi to Lilly.

    She was playing "Dig Dug" which, I assume, is her favorite game for N64. So I asked her If I could try. She agreed, then I proceeded to be poned by the monsters in the game. Embarrassed that a 6-year-old was better than me, I used the age-old excuse: "Yeah, well, you've played longer." Cheyenne Kammeyer came into the room and I made haste to get up and say hi. We went into her room and she and I listened to Taylor Swift's new album. Then after a while we got goofy and started hitting her inflated heart thingy back and forth like a volleyball. But that fun ended when Rob pounded on the door to say "Stop banging around." I noticed a box of baby clothes on the ground and couldn't resist it. "Can we play with this stuff?" I asked her, trying not to sound too much like a twelve-year-old that wanted to play dolls. "Sure," was her answer.

    I sat on the ground and pulled out the boxes, which, as I suspected, were filled to the brim with baby clothes, socks, and shoes. "I got most of this stuff from my sister after Asia out-grew them," She said. "Mmm-hmm" was my reply as I struggled to shove my baby's foot into some footy-pajamas.   We talked for a while, then Cheyenne said: "When are we going to do egg-babies?" My ears perked up, for I LOVE egg-babies. I asked mom, and was disappointed when she said "next semester." I went back to the room and dressed my baby. Then Cheyenne came in holding to eggs in her hand. She gave me one. "Did you ask?" I said. She shook her head. I decided that id the parents didn't want to waste their eggs that we could at least decorate them. I picked up a marker and got started. 

   The parents didn't mind. In fact, they thought they were adorable. Cheyenne and I spent the rest of the day playing around. Around dusk we created a show called "Name That Creature," in which two Barbies interviewed our egg-babies. It was fun. The sad thing was my egg cracked when I got home from meeting that night. I can always do another though! Gee, I guess more than I thought happened!

Joke: What do Australian Toads say?
Answer: Croaky!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Sally had a nickel, she took it to the store. Mamas two dimes was worth much more. Daddys three quarters was worth the most. That gave him the right to boast!/ So I begged mama for a candy bar./ I then bagged daddy for a red race car./ I begged mama for a pink gum-ball./ I begged daddy for for a pretty new doll./ They loaded up the car, and it was so full./ I was holding my candy-bar./ Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! goes my red race car./ I am chewing on a pink gum-ball./ and next to me is my pretty new doll./ I laughed 'cos I thought it was funny, that in the car I had the the most money.

Monday, December 22, 2008


On Saturday I woke up and mom said "We are going out in service, just Daddy and I." So me and Jesse stayed home and watched TV until 10-o-clock and then we cleaned up. Then Jesse said: "Do you want to watch Spy Kids?" I didn't care, really. I was going to play my DS either way, so I said: "Sure!" Mama and Daddy were home at around 1:15 pm. They told us that Shelby was going to visit her dad, and was nervouse about riding on the plane all by herself. So Kelly was going with her. Kelly asked if my mom and dad wanted to go with her to Spokane and stay in a hotel for two nights.They accepted. I endedup going to stay at Ganny'shouse. When I got there I said hi to Ganny and Gina, then I went downstairs and started to play my DS. After lke, five minutes there Sky said we should clean up 'cos Sami and Tammy were coming over that night. So we did, then I played my DS some more. When Sky went upstairs, I played Mariokart (Wii) and then Gabe, Jesse, and Joel played Halo while I tried to set up the NES. I ended up just playing my DS. Pretty soon I saw Sami and I said "Hi!" She asked me what I was doing and I said I was playing Animal Crossing. She said "what's that?" I just sat there and stared her in awe. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ANIMAL CROSSING IS?!?!??!?!??!?!?!? Shw shook her head. So I told her and then I caught a sting-fish in the game and I was ecstatic. Then I donated a dab to the museum of Treehut. So now we have an inside joke. Whenever she sees me she says, "Cheyenne, did you donate anymore dabs?" It's czoolniss. Anyhoo, after THEY left Jess, Gabe, and I played Super Samsh bros. Then I went to bed. The next morning we studied the Watchtower and went to meeting. Then I playe Super smash bros again. I played WiiFit for a long time and I lost like 3 pounds! Then Mom picked me up.

The End

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Ash is my friend from school. Her full name is Ashlyn, but I like to call her Ash. Almost every Tuesday I go to her house and study with her. It's fun, and we get to play with Dylan, too.
She has her own cat named Hazel, who is cute and playful. Ash has informed me that Hazel is also a murderer. Just kidding! She has a dog named Scooter who is reddish-brown. He is very fast. Ash has a very good sense of humor. She likes to laugh! Her fave color is blue. I get to see her on Fridays too because she goes to Friday-School like me. Only she is in the grade lower than me. In her spare time she baby-sits her brother and reads books about horses. She also watches TV.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It snowed!!! It snowed!!!! For weeks on end I have been waiting for one thing to happen, snow! Well, thanks to some cold weather and heavy snow clouds, we are rewarded with a a beautiful yard covered with snow. Not just slush that is an inch tall, either. Snow. REAL snow. As a member of the coast, I only saw one year that had as much snow as we do now. 2006. We didn't even stay for that snow, because we planned a vacation for Belize. I am so happy! We had a sledding party at Anita Weeks house on Saturday. Unluckily, the party died when my dad's collarbone broke. He is o.k. We are all hoping for a fast mend. I am very happy that it snowed as you can see. This snow is not snowball snow, though. It is too powdery. I even tried to make a snow man  but I could not. That's all for now! 'bye!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I don't want to write about my day; so I'll teach you a poem instead. It is by Christopher-Robin.


Binker- what I call him- is a secret of my own,
and Binker is the reason that I never feel alone.
Playing in the nursery, sitting on the stair,
Whatever I am busy at, Binker will be there.

Oh, Daddy is clever, he's a clever sort of man,
And Mummy is the best since the world began,
And Nanny is Nanny, and I call her Nan-

But they can't

Binker's always talking, 'cos I'm teaching him to speak:
 He sometimes likes to do it in a funny sort of squeak,
He sometimes likes to do in a hoodling sort of roar...
And I have to do it for him 'cos his throat is rather sore.

Oh, Daddy is clever, he's a clever sort of man,
And Mummy knows all that anybody can,
And Nanny is Nanny, and I call her Nan-

But they don't

Binker's brave as lions when we're running in the park;
Binker's brave as tigers when we're lying in the dark;
Binker's brave as elephants. He never, never cries...
Except (like other people) when soap gets in his eyes.

Oh, Daddy is Daddy, he's a Daddy sort of man,
 And Mummy is as Mummy as anybody can,
And Nanny is Nanny, and I call her Nan...

But they're not

Binker isn't greedy, but he does like things to eat,
So I have to say to other people when they're giving me a sweet,
"oh, Binker wants a chocolate, so could you give me two?"
And then I eat it for him, 'cos his teeth are rather new.

Well, I'm very fond of Daddy, but he hasn't time to play,
And I'm very fond of Mummy, but sometimes she goes away,
And I'm often cross with Nanny when she wants to brush my hair...

But Binker's always Binker, and is certain to be there.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Just Another Monday, Minus the Homework!

Today was the first Monday in a long time that I didn't have homework to do.  Even though mom had me do one geography assignment, I still had barely any work to do. After mom said I could go, I went out to the bus and IMed with Cheyenne K. for a very long, long, time. Then I played my DS for another very long, long, time. Finally I colored in my coloring            book. Then I checked my email. Now I am blogging. 

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Jesse's celebrity look- a-likes

Gabe's celebrity look-alikes

Mom's celebrity look-alikes

Dakota's celebrity look-alikes

Dad's celebrity look-alikes

My celebrity look-alikes

Monday- the first of December

 This is going to be the nerdiest thing you have ever, EVER, heard. I, Cheyenne Rainey, am actually excited about the first of December because it happens to be the beginning of the week, too. I know it is nerdy, but you can't blame me! It's like a fresh start almost. Okay, that's even nerdier. 
Anyway, today is Sunday, the thirtieth. Today was pretty normal. I woke up, ate breakfast (scrambled eggs), went to meeting, went out in service, picked veggies, and came inside to blog. So really, my day was sort of, well, BORING. Except service and meeting. well, I gotta go. Bye!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Carl part two.

This is going to be a short post. This is what Carl looked like after He was cooked.

Drum roll please!!



 This morning I woke up and asked my mom, "Aren't we going out in service?" We had planned on going out in service today. It was 7:30, and I was going to wake up super duper early so I could prepare turkey. No we are NOT celebrating Thanksgiving, but turkeys are cheapest around this time of year so this is when we have a turkey dinner. Mom said, "We were, but instead of doing three short days (9:30-12:00) I want to do two long days (9:30-2:30.) We are going to make turkey this morning." So I hurried up and did my chore. Then I washed my hands 7,000 times (The article in the  watchtower made me want to be REALLY clean.) Finally mom said "Do you think you can get the turkey?" I said "Yes." So I went to the freezer and opened it AND IT WASN'T THERE!! So I ran back to the kitchen and said "Mom where is the turkey?" She said, "In the auxiliary fridge." I said. "Oh. I thought it was in the freezer. Whew!" So I washed my hands again and ran my fingers through my
Then I went to the auxiliary fridge. When I picked up the turkey I realized that it was heavier than it looked. So I kinda waddled on the way back to the kitchen. "This is a big guy!" I said. Then Mom said to put it into the sink so I did. Then we did the math that we had to take the turkey out at 3:30 so we had to put it in at 10:30. Then Mom opened the turkey package and took out the gravy packet.I named the turkey Carl. Mom found the giblets and neck in the end opening. She put the giblets in boiling water. Mom said we needed carrots and celery and I said, "Mom, why don't I get carrots out of the garden?" So she said I could. I got the wagon from beside the house and trekked down the 3-acre yard to the garden. Once I was there I realized the ground was too icy to get any veggies so I left the wagon at the garden and went back home. When I got to the kitchen I said "mom it's to icy to pull any carrots out of the ground." "Okay, that's okay Cheyenne." said Mom. First she had me wash and peel 4 carrots. First she said 3 only when I finished 3 she said "one more." Then while I did that mom cut celery. Then I pushed all the vegetables into the food processor. Then mom emptied it all into a pan and I stirred that. Mom took the giblets and the neck out of the pan and they were brownish-gray. Yummy! She let me try one. Then I stirred the veggies in the pan until they were done. Mom put them with the bread stuffing and I stirred that too. Finally mom and I stuffed the turkey, and then she put the turkey in the oven. Now I am blogging! I has been a fun morning so far!

This is the turkey. You can't see it because it's covered in foil.

This is the stuffing. The green is celery, the orange is carrots.

This is the seasoning left over where Carl sat.

These are the mashed potatoes. They are not mashed yet

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Wow! Sorry readers. I haven't posted in forever. But anyway... I have been having a lot of fun! Sky moved in (he is my older bro.) We had like, three HUGE parties. One was at Tammy Kammeyer's house. The other one was at sky's house again. Then sky had another party. Oh! There was one more at Tammy's place.But that's not all we have been doing FYI. We have also been going out in service almost every day! I have 23 hours in! That's an improvement for me.Meanwhile I also have been doing my homework. So that is pretty much it! Tonight I had Ravioli for dinner. Then I colored with my crayons.Yeps. Daddy rented clone wars. I am planning on not watching it. YAY ME!! Tomorrow, I will write a lot better than I am now. I guess I need to stop. Bye!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Another Friday, Ho Hum...

 Hello, Readers. I haven't posted in a week due to a severe I-don't-want-to-blog-itis. But it's Friday again. But this Friday was the first Friday I haven't been on top of the world. I'm not down in the dumps, either, but I am not soaring. Well, as I just mentioned, It is Friday yet again. A week does pass by fast! I went to Friday school this morning and Nothing extravagant really happened. It was fun, but it didn't really highlight my week like it usually does.I did learn a whole lot on Ancient Greeks today. Did you know that the Olympics were meant for a festival of the god Zeus when the games started in Ancient Greece? I didn't and if you did well congratulations. 
              Chibi Pic. Of the day

Friday, October 31, 2008

My First Friday School Since Four Weeks Ago

Hallelujah! I went to Friday school today. When I woke up this morning I was very excited. I put some wet clothes in the dryer (they were washed) and put bread in to the toaster. Then I sat down in front of the T.V and watched the news with Mama and Daddy. After I ate my toast I checked on my clothes. They were not dry yet. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. My clothes were still not dry. Oh well, I thoguht. Then I took out my damp clothes and put them on. Mama, Gabe, Jesse, Gina, and me drove to Al's IGA and got lunchables and candy bars and juice for me and soda for Gabe and Jesse. I put my food into my lunch box and then we drove to the school.

When we first got to school Gabe, Jesse, and me went into the Outreach building and put our backpacks on the sofa in the multipurpose room. After we talked to the other kids and greeted the other cool people we know, we went to science. In science class we took a large blue poster board and cut out teeny little planets. We were doing the planets based their size. Pluto was so tiny that it looked like a scrap of paper that had fallen. My work was so good that Susan the science teacher held it up. She liked the fact that I had dotted my blue poster board with a white colored pencil. It looked like stars. I also drew a space man.
After that was geography. In geography we studied latitude and longitude. I was not good at it. After we studied latitude and longitude we drew wall art. people in Europe used to paint their walls. so we took paper and drew patterns on it. Mary served us tea and let us listen to Italian opera. It is relaxing. For art Sami gave a presentation on Andy Warhol. Our art project was to take an icon and repeat it four times useing different colors for each of the pictures. It was fun. A boy in my class did the apple symbol. Gabe did a G for Gabe. I did a giraffe.
After lunch we went to tech class. In tech class I found out that all of my project got deleted. So I restarted and got a lot done. At P.E it was too wet to go outside so we did P.E inside. I did 4 push-ups and 0 curl ups. The only reason I didn't get to do curl-ups is because it was the end of the day and I had to come home. Raine is here now and so is Aunt Vivian and Uncle Dan and Aunt Paula. Good-Bye and thank-you for reading!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Rest of Tuesday

Hi! For the Rest of Tuesday that happened after I blogged Sami came over and I talked to her for an hour-and-a-half. I tried to make her play a game but she declined. Then I ate dinner and we ate chicken and Doritos. We also had Coke. Then we got dressed for meeting and when we came back they watched the Incredible Hulk while I soaked in the bath.It was a very good day.


My Caption is "No Hotdog for dinnerz. Just Toephoo"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday/Tuesday Morning

Hello. I'm posting for yesterday and today. On Monday Morning I had cereal for breakfast. Then I had to work on homework until like 3-o-clock in the afternoon. Then I read my book Polly's Secret for a very long time. My family and I went and saw the inside of the new house Sky and Ganny are moving into. It has a piano in it but the piano isn't staying there :(. So we went home and had our dinner. I have to say, There was a lot of interesting things going on at the dinner table yesterday. So afterwards we read bible reading and I did my sit ups. Then everybody did their sit-ups and we did all this fitness stuff. So that was cool. Then I took a bath and went to bed. This morning I finished my Belize essay and I did the rest of my homework. I also chatted with my Uncle Dan on IM for a while. Then we went to school and I found out that Hugh Tower was subbing for Carol. So I went in for my consultants meeting and Found out I did a great job on my essay. I got less homework than usual this week. Yay! I did Reading Detective,Skillsbook, and most of my World Geography for this week. Mr. Tower also gave me another essay (ugh) on why children should NOT listen to music while doing chores, sleeping, or doing homework. Personally, I just agreed to this essay because I wanted to see Dakota's reaction. Anyway, I went home with daddy and Gabe after lunch ( Chicken and JoJo's.) Then I got on the computer and started to blog. Thanks for reading!


Hey! This isn't cheebs! No it's my friend from the other side

Haha.. She is such a joker

Monday, October 20, 2008


Hi! How are all of my fans!! Well you know the dream writer? I think I will write story ideas sometimes too. Yah dream writer is AWSOME!!!! You should check out her blogs. They are cool to the hizzy wich is czool. So on Friday we went to outward bounds which was wicked awsome. I did a ton of things there that were super cool. I hiked up this humongo mountain and my legs felt like falling off. I also did some zen drawings (see for more details.) I also interviewed a tree. Wow!


My caption is, I wuz wunderin whut ma nose tasted like

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I ♥ Pancakes!!!

Yay! Mom made pancakes for breakfast today! I had two. I'm starting a thing called Chibi pic. of the day it will be great. I will also ask you to give a caption for it in your comments. Okay, here is the Chibi pic. of the day...

drum roll please!

TA DA!!!
She didn't get a very good sleep last night...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Hi everyone, sorry I havn't posted in a couple days. Today I am sick!! I have a horrible sore throat and a stuffed nose and my nose hurts because I have been blowing it so much. I ate soup for breakfast and pretty much stayed inside all day. GRAAAA my throat hurts!!! So yesterday I did a bunch of homework and Sunday I went to the Rainmeyers (the Tammy and Sami ones). On Saturday I went to pizza hut and I ate a huge pzone. Soo yahh. here are some pictures

Here is me before hair cut

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

All in a simple Wednesday....

Hey everybody! I'm going to start writing better starting now.... Wednesday, the Fiery crimson ball of light rose over the distant hills and poured onto the surface of the earth. Birds opened there beaks to sing loudly. Slumbering bodies rolled over in their bed and opened their eyes slightly. Father's loud, booming voice said "Time to get up, children!" Rubbing my blurry eyes, I shakily set one foot on the cold floor.

♥ ♥ ♥

I was soon sitting on the velvety green davenport staring out the smudgy window. My garden was not doing so well. Flowers' heads drooped unhappily. Wistfully, I dropped my head onto the armrest and closed my heavy eyelids. Suddenly I sprang up and flew out the back door. By the time it clanged shut I was too far away to hear it. I sank to my knees when I reached the sandpile, for that was as far as I had wanted to go. Soft sand lay underfoot. I heard howling coyotes in the end of the property. I knew that they were probably farther away than it seemed, but that didn't matter to me. I stood, frightened by the yowling dog voices. Quickly I turned around and ran back to the house. When I got there everyone was dressing into their clothes. I slipped into the bedroom and took off my pajamas.

♥ ♥ ♥

Sometime later I sat down on a wooden chair in front of the breakfast table. My backpack sat on the chair next to me. In front of me lay a math textbook, a sharpened pencil, and mug of cocoa. Oh how I tire of writing sums, reading biographies, and spelling difficult words! Lucky for me, A friend drove up the drive way at that moment. Her name is Kelly, and she arrived with 4 new quilts! I claimed a pretty quilt, sprinkled with flowers and butterflies. I quickly made up my bed with it. It looked so pretty on my bed. The sun shone on the bed from the windowsill. It was fresh, crisp, and clean. Although I had to return to my work, I felt better. While I was working on my fractions, I was faintly listening to the conversaition that Kelly and my mother were having. This helped me get along, and before I knew it, it was luncheon time. Lunceon was a bowl filled with warm beef flavored broth and soft chewy noodles. We call it Top Ramen, or noodle soup. After Luncheon I was working on my fractions again when my mother got an unexpected telephone call from a nice girl named Bethany.
It was on this day that we were to get our pictures taken for school. Bethany was to be the photographer. We were going to drive to the park at 3:00. Instead it was 1:00 and Bethany said that they were ready to take the pictures. In a frantic rush, we all sqeezed into the bathroom and brushed our teeth, combed our hair, and practiced our sparkling smiles. Finally we all piled into the large indigo van and buckled our seat belts. It was a pretty ride to town, and I seldom had the oppertunity to see it. When we got there I ran to the tree where photos were being snapped.

♥ ♥ ♥

We had our photos taken in at least 7 different places. I was so anxious to play at the park I hardly waited for the last shot to be snapped before I tore myself away from the group and flung myself into an open swing. After a brief moment of catching my breath, I realized I was the only one in the park. I swung on swings, climbed monkey bars, and slid down slides. Mother and Gina came back from the store and we drove home. I returned to fractions. George and Marylin are coming soon. It was a good day...

C.T Always diet cold turkey.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Bad News, Good News, and Friday

On the day that I last posted, my dog Ruby died. It was sad, and I will miss her floppy ears, and deep bark. I will miss her chasing me when I'm playing outside. I will miss her curling up in a tight ball and sleeping in a small dog bed. Yes, I loved Ruby. I am going to turn things to a brighter side and mention that Skyler, my big brother came by. He stayed for a week. We had a brunch party on Wednesday. The Kammeyers, Weeks, Auntie Chanal and cousin Kayliana, and the St. Jameses all came. It was a lot of fun. On Friday two things happened. (1) I had my first Friday school. I loved it! My favorite class is P.E, which we have at the end of the day. I cant remember what the P.E teachers name is, so I call her coach. She's a lot of fun. I'm enjoying the studies of space we're doing. We watched an interesting video on the solar system in science class. I also liked art class. I love to draw so that was fun. Oh yeah! here's the second thing I did on Friday! (2) I spent the night at Shelby's! She is so much fun! We played barbies, rode on her four-wheeler (motorized), watched a movie, gave each other pedicures, made a play, and hung out on her swing set. Woo-hoo! Thanks for reading this post!! Oh yeah, I'm gonna start writing a Cheyenne's tip or C.T on the end of every post.

C.T: Never drink soda (or any other beverage) while watching your favorite comedian.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Field Trip to Outward Bounds

Dawn... I woke to Daddy's cellphone playing a ring tone that sounded like aliens were landing. The first thing I said that day was, "The aliens are landing!" Then I rolled out of bed. I had been really excited about this day ever since Monday. 'Twas the day we would go to Outward Bounds. I ate breakfast. I forget what I ate. So after that I dressed in my Yellow sweater, white tank top and red sweater/shirt. After that we made a mad rush to make lunches and brush our teeth and all that quintessence (stuff). Finally we piled into the blue van and rushed off to school... at 7:30!! When we got there we saw 1 car in the parking lot so we were kinda worried that we were late. All was well though, 'cause Ashlyn (my amigo) was there and she said that the vehicles that were going to drive us to Outward Bounds weren't there yet. So we walked into the Outreach portable and I was weighed down with like a 50 pound bag + a lunch box!!! Ashlyn showed me to the couch area and I collapsed on the floor. Finally a teacher lady said our transports were here so I said, Hallajuya (I think!) We climbed into a car and I got squished in between Cheyenne (my buddy) and Ashlyn (my amigo). Up front were Sami (my pal) and Jesse (My bro) and Gabe (By BIG bro). It really made me mad I had to sit in the middle. Here I am, crammed into a place with about 2 inches of leg room. So after a long ride there I stagger out of a car into a place that's warm and sunny. We hiked down a hill and threw our "luggage" onto a porch. So the first game we played was a game were two people get blindfolded and call each other from two sides of a field. We try to find each other. Whoopde doo. After we are done we ask each other what our favorite food is. I don't know about you but personally I don't really have a favorite food . So the girl asked me and I just shrugged and said the first thing that came to my mind: A burrito. After that we played a series of games and I just went along pretending to be challenged. At lunch I ate what was in my lunch box and mooched off of everyone I knew. Then at the end of lunch, this girl named Talula shrieked "THERE'S A VENOM SPEWING BLISTER BUG THAT WILL RELEASE POISONOUS VAPOR IF YOU STEP ON IT!!! when a kid almost stepped on she practically was sobbing her eyes out. Luckily it the bug slipped between a crack in the porch before and poisonous vapor was released, and Talula did not hyperventilate. The rest of the day was pretty much the same except on the way back I got a window seat. And on the way back i found out Sami and Cheyenne were coming over so yeah! G'night!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Dawn... I sleepily awoke to the sound of daddy calling us to get up. I stretched out under the comforter to see what would happen. I heard daddy go into Dakota and Jesse's room. He said something, and then I heard Mama say; "Dakota is the first one up!" I knew it was my turn. The order is usually Dakota, Me, Gabe, Jesse. I only get up second so I get a good place on the couch. usually the good corner seat is taken if you get up third. So I plunked down on the green sofa, which was cold, as usual. In the mornings the couches are always freezing. That is why you have to bring a blanket with you in the mornings. If you don't, you sit there shivering in your pajamas, wishing you had a blanket but knowing If you get up you lose the good seat. In our old house there was a different routine. If you got up you had exactly 2 minutes to do whatever you needed to do. Now, though its just, "You move your meet you lose your seat." Sheesh! Anyway, I got breakfast (Gotart) and then dressed for meeting. As usual there was the "My turn for bathroom," and the "I get that seat." We went to meeting. After meeting, I was getting into my casual cloths and I realized that there is a seat chain in life as well as a food chain. First is Grown-ups. You know they get the good corner seat. If you try to pretend you don't know, others will not hesitate to remind you. Next is guests. You sit somewhere and mom tells you. Let the guests sit there. 7 people+ 6 seats= You sitting on a pillow on the ground. Next is FINALLY kids. Not many people complain of wanting to sit where we sit. We get the leftovers. We're beggers. Last and least is pets. you wanna sit where they're sitting? kick 'm off. All they do is give you a pitiful look that says, "I am apparently your slave." I ate a sandwich for lunch, and headed off to my room to read. After a while Sami+Tammy came over. They are fun. Mostly I sat on the sand pile and read books. Then we got subway. YUMMMMM!!! I don't remember the last time I had fast food (okay, I do.) Anyhow... That's pretty much it. I started to watch King Kong, but I stopped around the middle. That's the happiest part. Kay that's pretty much it. Bye!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I have a lot of catching up to do

So right now I'm going to pour out a weeks worth of nub (that means "stuff", a word I'm elimanating from my vocabulary.) So this week I did a lot of diffrent things. On Wedsnay last week I got my haircut! So cute!! Tammy cut it. Her daughter Sami is a friend of mine. On Friday we hat the Lewises over. Plus my cuz and Aunt. Levi and My Uncle came too. On Saturday we had a big breakfast. Lots of people were invited. On Sunday we had a field day All we did was an obstacle course. I went on it like 900 times. We had bbq chicken for dinner. Other than that we mostly ate chips. On Monday we said bye to all the peeps that were at our house. I also went to the band practice. Oh, speaking of wich they had a concert on Saturday. I danced till my legs were blue. There was a lot of people there. Mostly the kids kids stayed outside and talked and all that sum and substance. Tuesday was the first day of school and I got a Truckload of books and papers. So yeah now tis Wedsnay again. P.E.A.C.E O.U.T

Monday, September 1, 2008

A View I hope see sometime in my life

Music Practice

Today I went to music practice in Omak. I didn't play any songs but I learned one! Here 'tis


She said, I was seven and you were nine
I looked at you like the stars that shined
In the sky, the pretty lights
And our daddies used to joke about the two of us
Growing up and falling in love and our mamas smiled
And rolled their eyes and said oh my my my

Take me back to the house in the backyard tree
Said you'd beat me up, you were bigger than me
You never did, you never did
Take me back when our world was one block wide
I dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried
Just two kids, you and I...
Oh my my my

Well, I was sixteen when suddenly
I wasn't that little girl you used to see
But your eyes still shined like pretty lights
And our daddies used to joke about the two of us
They never believed we'd really fall in love
And our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes
And said oh my my my...

Take me back to the creek beds we turned up
Two A.M. riding in your truck and all I need is you next to me
Take me back to the time we had our very first fight
The slamming of doors instead of kissing goodnight
You stayed outside till the morning light
Oh my my my my

A few years had gone and come around
We were sitting at our favorite spot in town
And you looked at me, got down on one knee

Take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle
Our whole town came and our mamas cried
You said I do and I did too
Take me home where we met so many years before
We'll rock our babies on that very front porch
After all this time, you and I

I'll be eighty-seven; you'll be eighty-nine
I'll still look at you like the stars that shine
In the sky, oh my my my...

I love that song and when it comes to the the mairrage part I really get teary eyed!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Blogging for Yesterday

Yesterday I went to meeting and then I went to a potluck party for a lady named Lois. Mostly I ran around and I gave Lily and Ethan and Leslie and Joey piggy back rides. We ran around the gymnasium and walked on the bleachers. I had chocolate cake. I met a girl named Ashlyn and she is really nice. On Saturday I floated down Okanogan River. Some parts were shallow and some were deep. Some parts were sandy and others were rocky. At the end we jumped of a huge rock. It was great!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Peppers and Cukes and Tomatos, Oh My!

This morning we had French Toast for breakfast. My mom made it, and she made 32 pieces!!
After breakfast I got dressed and went out in Field Service for 3 hours. I went with Tammy, Amey, Natalie, and Sammi. We went to 1st street and knocked on three doors, but no one answered. When I got home I was in a great mood. I dressed in my every day clothes and started to make some lunch. Just then, Jesse burst through the door with an armful of corn. "Is that ours?" Daddy asked excitedly. "Yes, and thats not the last of it!" replied Jesse, cheerfully
. I walked out to the garden to see. Sure enough, there was corn ears everywhere!!! After some more picking we had a table full of vegtables and a face full of smiles. We all ate lunch, then we went up to play with our neighbors. We had a blast! Im so excited to see tomorrows adventures!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rainey Day

Today I went to Omak with Mom, Dakota, and Gina. We got some more appliances. On the way back we stopped at the library and I got two Geronimo Stilton books and One Junie B. Jones and one Judy Moody book. I read them all in two hours. It was rainey all day!! There was thunder but no lightning. here is Bip (my frog hippo, above!)

Monday, August 18, 2008

A New Friend

This morning we went to Walmart and did some shopping. I got a new stuffed animal named Bip. He is so nice!! He is a mixture between a frog and a hippo (my two fave animals!) sorry I cannot post a pic of him but I will 2morrow! We are having cabbage patch soup for dinner. YUM!! Btw hi everyone who reads this! Soooo yeahhh... I am waiting for a turn with the camera. P.E.A.C.E O.U.T

Sunday, August 17, 2008



Lake Osoyoos (again?)

I went to Lake Osoyoos again today. The same people were there as last time. Sami, Dakota, Gabe, Jesse and I dunked each other in the water. Kelly brought a fishing boat. Unluckily (or is it luckily?) There was no fishes brought to the the little covered area were we stayed. Thats all, really. Oh ya! Chibi went with us so that was cool... R.O.C.K O.N

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Dos Is Mua!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Lake Osoyoos

Today I went to Lake Osoyoos with my mom, Jesse, Gabe, Dakota, Sammi, Tammi, Kelly, Shelby, Gina (not my aunt), Cheyenne (not me), and Lily. Daddy did not come because he wanted to get some work done. We brought two air mattresses and filled them up with air. We used them as flotation devices. It worked really well for a while, but then everybody wanted to be on the biggest air mattress at the same time. I got new goggles at the store in Oroville. They are blue. We had hot dogs for dinner. But I mostly ate Oreos and Grape soda pop. Occasionally I would take some licorice and use it as a straw for my bottled water. I learned my lesson, though. By the time we left I had a terrible stomach ache. While we were there I met three girls named Molly, Jesse, and Susan. Molly and Jesse were sisters, but Susan wasn't related to them. I am going to the Lake again tomorrow. I hope it will be even funner!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

You Got to Go Dig Those Holes

Yesterday we dug a big hole in the side-yard. Well, to be honest, I snuck off and read a book while the others a dug. There was some question as to wether or not we would go to lake Osoyoos today. We ended up going to the Taco Wagon. I did not get anything there because I do not really like tacos. I ended up having a hotdog. Jesse and I watched Robots and I went to bed. That is about it!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Getting There as Slow as Molossas

This was one of those days where you want to lay in bed and read all day long. That's exactly what I did. Well... mostly. I also spent time loading garbage into the truck while daddy took it to the dump. That is honestly really ALL I did today. The good news is now I share a room with one brother. Not three. We ( Gabe and I) nicknamed our room heaven and Kotas and Jess's Sheol. And THAT is REALLY REALLY all I did today. So bye.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Today we went to a carnival in Omak. There was rides and games and carnival food. I won bear wearing a purple sweatshirt. I named her Maple. Gabe and I went on most of the rides. My favorite was called Orbiter. There was one Gabe kept asking to go on called the Zipper. That ride freaked me out and I refused to go on it with him. Jesse was too sick to go on it. The only other ride I didn't go on was called the Ball of Fire.

On Sunday I went to the beach with Sammi and Tammi. I also went with Cheyenne, Gina, Lily, Jesse, Bethanie, Asia, and Ethan. They are a hoot I tell you. I will catch up more on my blog tomorrow.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dinner with the Waggy's

Today I spent the morning cleaning the house. I cleaned my room and the bathroom. I vacuumed the living room, and picked up the things on the table. I washed the dishes, I picked weeds. It was very exhausting. The Waggy's came over for dinner. We had steak, corn salad, potato salad, a relish tray, and rolls. For dessert we had peach pie, banana pie, and lemon merengue pie. Yum!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ahhh! More Weeds!!

Today I spent up until lunchtime plucking weeds. After lunchtime however, I spent until dinnertime Playing board games with Raine. A little bit before dinner, though, I received an unexpected package!!
It was from my friend Kenzie who lives in Bothell. She gave me a frog named Freddie. She explained that she had had it for 5 years, and it was a gift for me. So I gave her a frog named Clarence (she doesn't know that yet.) I cannot wait for her to get it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Today we unpacked some boxes and cleared out our back yard. When we were done, I was pleased with the final product. This afternoon Raine and I danced to some music. We played Janga. Mom made Chocolote cream pie! Sorry! Nothing VERY interesting happened. I bought Fun-dip and my tongue turned green. I guess thats it!

Picking Apples and Planting Zinnias

Today I thought was going to be boring because I had to weed in the garden. Little did I know, I would do more than weed. This morning we took a trip to Omak. On the way back we stopped King's Garden (A.K.A Mike & Annie's.) We picked out some neat flowers and the mosquitoes picked on us. We got home and then we were sent out to the garden to weed. When we were little farther than halfway through our first bed, we noticed My mom and a man named Dan McCarthy. He told us our apple trees were infested with Coddling Moths. So me, Jesse, and Raine picked the apples off of three trees. Then we raked them up and put them in black plastic bags. Then we we put them in the middle of the yard so the sun would kill the moths inside.
I also planted some flowers. Even though the title says so, I didn't plant the Zinnias, My cousin did. I think I did a good job. I wonder what I will do tomorrow.
Here are some pictures of my pets.

Slide Waters, Lake Chelan

Originally written July 28th.

Today I went to a water park in Lake Chelan. It was a lot of fun!! My favorite ride was the Thunder River Rapids. It was also fun to go on the Downhill Racer. It was tiring. My face and shoulders got a little burned. The spotlight water slide is called the Purple Haze. You lay on your back and cross your arms across your chest. Then you go down into a pitch back tunnel. It's nerve wracking before you go in for the first time. You think it's going to be a big drop, but it's not. I had a lot of fun today, but tomorrow I have to weed the garden all day!


Wow! It's been such a long time since I've posted. A lot has happend. First of all, Cheebs had PUPPIES!!! Second of all... we moved!!!!! I cannot believe it! At first I was excited. Then I was really sad! Moving ment going a LONG WAY AWAY from my BFF Kenzie. I miss her. Also I miss Lizzie. She is my other BFF. After a tearfull departure on the last day of school, I sadly walked home. The week we moved over was the worst week of my LIFE. Packing, driving, unpacking, driving back over packing. IT WAS SHEOL!!!!!!!! Luckily that week is over and we are almost nicely settled in. I write regulerly to Kenzie by mail and email Lizzie every chance I get. Cheebs nicely follows me around and sleeps in my bed at night. I'm tired of driving. I vow never to take drive longer than 20 minutes from now on. Well, Good-night everyone! Seeya!