Then I went to the auxiliary fridge. When I picked up the turkey I realized that it was heavier than it looked. So I kinda waddled on the way back to the kitchen. "This is a big guy!" I said. Then Mom said to put it into the sink so I did. Then we did the math that we had to take the turkey out at 3:30 so we had to put it in at 10:30. Then Mom opened the turkey package and took out the gravy packet.I named the turkey Carl. Mom found the giblets and neck in the end opening. She put the giblets in boiling water. Mom said we needed carrots and celery and I said, "Mom, why don't I get carrots out of the garden?" So she said I could. I got the wagon from beside the house and trekked down the 3-acre yard to the garden. Once I was there I realized the ground was too icy to get any veggies so I left the wagon at the garden and went back home. When I got to the kitchen I said "mom it's to icy to pull any carrots out of the ground." "Okay, that's okay Cheyenne." said Mom. First she had me wash and peel 4 carrots. First she said 3 only when I finished 3 she said "one more." Then while I did that mom cut celery. Then I pushed all the vegetables into the food processor. Then mom emptied it all into a pan and I stirred that. Mom took the giblets and the neck out of the pan and they were brownish-gray. Yummy! She let me try one. Then I stirred the veggies in the pan until they were done. Mom put them with the bread stuffing and I stirred that too. Finally mom and I stuffed the turkey, and then she put the turkey in the oven. Now I am blogging! I has been a fun morning so far!

This is the turkey. You can't see it because it's covered in foil.

This is the stuffing. The green is celery, the orange is carrots.

This is the seasoning left over where Carl sat.

These are the mashed potatoes. They are not mashed yet☺
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