To be [done] or not to be [done]? That is the question.
I've partially qouted shakespear (I think that's shakespear. Please, God, tell me that's Shakespear so I don't embarrass myself in front of my viewers). because last night, yours truly stayed awake until I finished one more excruciating edit of The Swimnyst. I swear, I've sent my mom at least a dozen emails entitled 'here's the LAST edit of The Swimnyst. I'm really done this time'. I don't think she believes me anymore.
That put aside; here is another question I've been wondering about; WHERE DID SUMMER GO???? GOOD LORD!! IT'S GONE!!!
Schools starts in what? A week or two? At least I'm in homeschool. Geez, what did I do with my summer? Well, the answer the that is;
1. I worked on my second book.
2. I swam in lake osoyoos.
3. I danced. A LOT.
4. I hung out with my friends.
So, overall, it was a pretty good summer. But I STILL can't believe it's almost OVER!!
I hope everyone had a great summer. Imma check my facebook notifications. DUCES and I'm out.
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