You want to know what I did today? It wasn't that interesting. (Well, okay maybe there was an incident in the kitchen when Dakota caught the pancake on fire but, whatever, that happens like every day). So you may read this but really, its not interesting at all. Not in the slightest. Nope.
I am currently: blogging
I am wearing: A T-shirt that used to be my dad's. And my PJ pants. Which were purchased in the Male section of Wal-Mart in Wenatchee.
I am eating: Food for thought. Do people even read my blog? Do they care?
I am drinking: Nothing. I am thirsty
I am listening to: My computer. It sounds like space ship
I am looking forward to: Four o clock. Raine comes over then.
I am not looking forward to: Math class tomorrow morning
I need to: Do more homework.
As you can see; I have nothing of interest to blog about. So you may make me feel guilty for not blogging, but the point is that I have nothing-- NOTHING-- to blog about! AHHH!
Now that I'm done having a nervous breakdown, please enjoy this image

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