Thursday, May 12, 2011

Conquering the Steel Beast

Weakness is being anything less than original.
I know several of my friends, who- unlike me- do not live by these words. They are the ones who gleefully enthuse about their love of those gangly four-legged beasts we call horses. Don't get me wrong- horses are beautiful and intelligent like all of Jehovah's creation- but to conform to the norm and call them my favorite animal? I say NAY.
But I do love one type of horse. My dad owns one. Its black, slender, sleek and fast. When I ride it, I feel powerful. The only flaw in this horse is the fact that is quite gassy. We call it... 'Vee Tee Ex' ☺
When my dad replenished his motorcycle liscense last summer and bought a beast, I was beside myself with joy. The first thing we did was jump on and head for Loomis. I had limited experience on bikes, and had only been on one a few months previous with Nita. But, let me tell you, I absolutely loved it. There's just something about motorcycles that makes you feel strong, y'know? It makes you feel fearless and wild. I was quickly addicted to the adventure.
Well, that was last summer. We had to store ol' VTX for the winter so it didn't get ruined. I was missing the steel beast when suddenly It appeared again this week in our driveway. Over the winter, I'd been trying to work on my 'biker image' so to speak. One thing every biker girl should own is a pair of some seriously awesome boots. And, thanks to my wonderful aunt Chanelle, I am owner to a pair of scuffed up leather biker boots. It makes a girl proud.
Sadly, my daddy has yet to let me ride on the bike yet. He is working a lot. But every time I look out at the Steel Horse, arrayed in all its shining glory, I eagerly look forward to feeling that wind, experiencing that high. It also makes me look forward to the day when I'll have my own steel horse. That day in mind, bikers ready yourselves. I'm going to own that road fearlessly, so you better watch yourselves.

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