Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Beginning of the School Year and other Tales from my Not-so-glamorous life

Last night at 1:05 a.m. I was awake.
Why is that, you may ask. Too much caffeine? Took at nap at 7:00 p.m. and woke up completely un-tired? Nope. Guess again! I was staying up until my EXACT BIRTH TIME!
That's right folks, yours truly is 14 years old today. And yours truly is also loving that!
Anyways.... life in Tonasket is the same as always. Slow, serene, and full of sunshine. Fall is here, with the exception that NONE OF THE TREES have decided to turn color yet. Pff.
AHHHH just spotted a bug on my window!! KILL IT!
Whew. I smashed it with my shoe.
So what was I saying? Oh, yes. Fall. I've been noticing lately that its been really cold at morning time. The air is much crisper. It's nice, actually. A welcome change.
Okay its for sure dead this time. Guts and all. Yummy.
Speaking of yummy, its time for lunch.
Oh, as a side note... I've been reading the Ranger's Apprentice series. It's AWESOME and everyone in the universe should read it. I would be a ranger. Best friends with Will the Ranger and married to Horace, the Oakleaf Knight. Halt and Lady Pauline would adopt me.

Okay, fur sures I'm leaving this time. PEACE.

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