Having a blast one the coast!!!
This pretty much sums it up...
Friday: Bus ride here. Excuse me, creepy people. Make way. I'm going to sit BY MYSELF. Got picked up at the greyhound station in Seattle by Aunt Chenelle, Keliana, and Akela. Beef soft taco for dinner. Yummy.
Saturday: Slept in (a 'lil). And whaddaya know? DANCE FEST with the girls (Keliana and Akela. Apparently Akela is like a second daughter here. Familiar or what?) Mmmm something delicous for dinner. I forget what. Because, hello? it was like, last saturday. I assure it was yummy.
Sunday: Went to the bothell meeting. Cell phone went off AGAIN!!! (thanks, aunt chenelle. Yes, I am up and ready to go to meeting. As a matter of fact, I'm at meeting.) Pasketti for dinner (spaghetti). Yummy.
Monday: Homework time.
Tuesday: Awesomeness. Was going to go out in sevice, but there was a mix-up. Oh, well. Ran errands with Brittney and Chenelle, which is a lot more fun than it sounds. Put on a blue wig. Fun.
Wed-nes-day: LAZEEE day. Turkey for dinner. YUMMY x 20
Thursday: More errands :), some writing and egg salad sandwhiches for lunch. Delish.
SHOUTOUT: Raine! Miss ya! and hope your doctor's appointment wasn't terrible. Love ya to death!
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