Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Slow Summer

We haven't done anything special. I will tell you one thing, we have not partied nearly as much as last year. Not that I am complaining. Just don't expect me to tell you great stories of parties, thats all. Dakota has been taking Drivers Ed for the past month or so. He is an OK driver. Mom and Daddy are starting up their "My Last Fat Summer" program again, and have started doing crossfit. Our yard has become infested with bees. Jesse went outside and sprayed down a bunch of giant hives that are filled with angry wasps. Dakota won the Biggest Loser contest and got $500 bucks, lucky him. I got my DSi and now owe Dakota $65 bucks because I only payed for $110 of it. Not that I am complaining. Luckily I have job. I got $10 for cleaning Vicki G's upstairs and had to pay Kota half of it. It has been too dang hot to do anything fun outside becuase it is too miserable out there. Our pool has ran into problem after problem. This week Aunt Puala and Raine are moving over here. They will be across the street from us. It will be super fun with them over here. When they get over here we will float the river. Ashlyn and Shelby have been on vacay since June, and I have missed both of them a lot. Ashlyn is coming back today and Shelby will be here on Saturday.

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