Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ahhh! More Weeds!!

Today I spent up until lunchtime plucking weeds. After lunchtime however, I spent until dinnertime Playing board games with Raine. A little bit before dinner, though, I received an unexpected package!!
It was from my friend Kenzie who lives in Bothell. She gave me a frog named Freddie. She explained that she had had it for 5 years, and it was a gift for me. So I gave her a frog named Clarence (she doesn't know that yet.) I cannot wait for her to get it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Today we unpacked some boxes and cleared out our back yard. When we were done, I was pleased with the final product. This afternoon Raine and I danced to some music. We played Janga. Mom made Chocolote cream pie! Sorry! Nothing VERY interesting happened. I bought Fun-dip and my tongue turned green. I guess thats it!

Picking Apples and Planting Zinnias

Today I thought was going to be boring because I had to weed in the garden. Little did I know, I would do more than weed. This morning we took a trip to Omak. On the way back we stopped King's Garden (A.K.A Mike & Annie's.) We picked out some neat flowers and the mosquitoes picked on us. We got home and then we were sent out to the garden to weed. When we were little farther than halfway through our first bed, we noticed My mom and a man named Dan McCarthy. He told us our apple trees were infested with Coddling Moths. So me, Jesse, and Raine picked the apples off of three trees. Then we raked them up and put them in black plastic bags. Then we we put them in the middle of the yard so the sun would kill the moths inside.
I also planted some flowers. Even though the title says so, I didn't plant the Zinnias, My cousin did. I think I did a good job. I wonder what I will do tomorrow.
Here are some pictures of my pets.

Slide Waters, Lake Chelan

Originally written July 28th.

Today I went to a water park in Lake Chelan. It was a lot of fun!! My favorite ride was the Thunder River Rapids. It was also fun to go on the Downhill Racer. It was tiring. My face and shoulders got a little burned. The spotlight water slide is called the Purple Haze. You lay on your back and cross your arms across your chest. Then you go down into a pitch back tunnel. It's nerve wracking before you go in for the first time. You think it's going to be a big drop, but it's not. I had a lot of fun today, but tomorrow I have to weed the garden all day!


Wow! It's been such a long time since I've posted. A lot has happend. First of all, Cheebs had PUPPIES!!! Second of all... we moved!!!!! I cannot believe it! At first I was excited. Then I was really sad! Moving ment going a LONG WAY AWAY from my BFF Kenzie. I miss her. Also I miss Lizzie. She is my other BFF. After a tearfull departure on the last day of school, I sadly walked home. The week we moved over was the worst week of my LIFE. Packing, driving, unpacking, driving back over packing. IT WAS SHEOL!!!!!!!! Luckily that week is over and we are almost nicely settled in. I write regulerly to Kenzie by mail and email Lizzie every chance I get. Cheebs nicely follows me around and sleeps in my bed at night. I'm tired of driving. I vow never to take drive longer than 20 minutes from now on. Well, Good-night everyone! Seeya!