Wednesday, December 8, 2010

House Sitting and the Ballet of Laughs

Raine has deserted me.
No, really. She's going to be gone for two weeks. That's fourteen days. 336 hours. 20,160 minutes. 1,209,600 seconds!! :( While she's gone I get the special honor of taking care of her SPOILED ROTTEN kitty cats!!
I suppose it won't be so very long. But still. Sometimes a girl just wants to MOPE AROUND for pete's sake. Who is Pete anyway? And why is he ALWAYS BUTTING INTO MY LIFE!?! WHAT GAVE HIM THE RIGHT?!?!?!?!
Ok, sorry. Overreacting. But you can probably tell I'm kind of going insane. Kind of... heh heh heh. Ahem.
Anyway, I went to the ballet Sleeping Beauty last... Friday? Yes, Friday. Really, I only went to *cough* SUPPORT *cough* my old archenemy who played the Prince. It was really hilarious to see him with eyeliner on. I'm still laughing slightly at the memory. I gave him a hard time after the play.
Thus concludes today's post. I'd thank you for reading.. but I"m too tired to finish my senten

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Coastie Livin'

Having a blast one the coast!!!
This pretty much sums it up...

Friday: Bus ride here. Excuse me, creepy people. Make way. I'm going to sit BY MYSELF. Got picked up at the greyhound station in Seattle by Aunt Chenelle, Keliana, and Akela. Beef soft taco for dinner. Yummy.

Saturday: Slept in (a 'lil). And whaddaya know? DANCE FEST with the girls (Keliana and Akela. Apparently Akela is like a second daughter here. Familiar or what?) Mmmm something delicous for dinner. I forget what. Because, hello? it was like, last saturday. I assure it was yummy.

Sunday: Went to the bothell meeting. Cell phone went off AGAIN!!! (thanks, aunt chenelle. Yes, I am up and ready to go to meeting. As a matter of fact, I'm at meeting.) Pasketti for dinner (spaghetti). Yummy.

Monday: Homework time.

Tuesday: Awesomeness. Was going to go out in sevice, but there was a mix-up. Oh, well. Ran errands with Brittney and Chenelle, which is a lot more fun than it sounds. Put on a blue wig. Fun.

Wed-nes-day: LAZEEE day. Turkey for dinner. YUMMY x 20

Thursday: More errands :), some writing and egg salad sandwhiches for lunch. Delish.

SHOUTOUT: Raine! Miss ya! and hope your doctor's appointment wasn't terrible. Love ya to death!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Beginning of the School Year and other Tales from my Not-so-glamorous life

Last night at 1:05 a.m. I was awake.
Why is that, you may ask. Too much caffeine? Took at nap at 7:00 p.m. and woke up completely un-tired? Nope. Guess again! I was staying up until my EXACT BIRTH TIME!
That's right folks, yours truly is 14 years old today. And yours truly is also loving that!
Anyways.... life in Tonasket is the same as always. Slow, serene, and full of sunshine. Fall is here, with the exception that NONE OF THE TREES have decided to turn color yet. Pff.
AHHHH just spotted a bug on my window!! KILL IT!
Whew. I smashed it with my shoe.
So what was I saying? Oh, yes. Fall. I've been noticing lately that its been really cold at morning time. The air is much crisper. It's nice, actually. A welcome change.
Okay its for sure dead this time. Guts and all. Yummy.
Speaking of yummy, its time for lunch.
Oh, as a side note... I've been reading the Ranger's Apprentice series. It's AWESOME and everyone in the universe should read it. I would be a ranger. Best friends with Will the Ranger and married to Horace, the Oakleaf Knight. Halt and Lady Pauline would adopt me.

Okay, fur sures I'm leaving this time. PEACE.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


If you've ever been sandboarding, you probably know what it feels like to be sore in every possible area of your body. You also probably are aware that the sand gets everywhere- and I mean everywhere. You probably have had bruises on your arms and legs (I know I have). Heck, if you've ever been sandboarding; you know how lousy it sounds when you're describing how sandboardng works.
But you also probably love sandboarding ;)

Last Tuesday me and my family woke up at the yawn of dawn and drove to Seattle. (Puyallup, acctually, but it's all the same once you venture west of the Cascades). Our first stop was the wonderful Puyallup fair for fattening food, thrills, and prizes. The adrenaline junkies in the family (me, Gabe, dad, Kota) did the scary rides while the sissies owned the ferris wheel. By the end of the day we were all exhausted but I got some good grub and a couple stories to tell.
We stayed at Aunt Alise and Uncle Kevin's house for that night. The next morning we enjoyed a yummy breakfast prepared by Uncle Kevin and I even got to go on a run with my Aunt! We managed four miles- though I was a panting, sweating, limping mess by the time we were done. I don't even think Aunt Alise broke a sweat.
By ten we were in the car again, headed for Oregon. By that time Levi had joined us and a few of us kids (namely: Dakota and I)rode in his car. We didn't make it to our hotel until late that night and we barely had enough energy to claim our beds.
On Thursday morning our first priority was renting the sandboards and hitting the dunes. There was supposed to be a park with jumps and stuff- but it turned out to be just a grind bar loosly stuffed into the sand. We found a couple steep dunes and spent our afternoon faceplanting the earth.
Thursday night we enjoyed some A&W for dinner, and I had a monstrous Root Beer Float that I barely managed to finish. We played Munchkin Booty back at the hotel and I finished reading a book.
On Friday I not only read another book but we went to a different Sand Dune and leanred a couple of awesome tricks. The highlight of Friday was renting quads and tearing up the dunes with the tires. I was completely and utterly terrified throughout all of the hour we had them for, and I spent most my time trying to work up the nerve to get up hills.
Saturday was quads again- Dad and I got a two person quad (called a rhino- I believe) and he manged to thoroughly freak me out and snap my spine into two. I enjoyed this day quite a bit.
On Sunday moring we said goodbye to Levi and loaded into the van at 9:30, not seeing our wonderful little home in Tonasket until about 11:00 p.m. By then, we were all tired and I slept until 10:00 the next morning.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Final Edit?

To be [done] or not to be [done]? That is the question.
I've partially qouted shakespear (I think that's shakespear. Please, God, tell me that's Shakespear so I don't embarrass myself in front of my viewers). because last night, yours truly stayed awake until I finished one more excruciating edit of The Swimnyst. I swear, I've sent my mom at least a dozen emails entitled 'here's the LAST edit of The Swimnyst. I'm really done this time'. I don't think she believes me anymore.
That put aside; here is another question I've been wondering about; WHERE DID SUMMER GO???? GOOD LORD!! IT'S GONE!!!
Schools starts in what? A week or two? At least I'm in homeschool. Geez, what did I do with my summer? Well, the answer the that is;

1. I worked on my second book.
2. I swam in lake osoyoos.
3. I danced. A LOT.
4. I hung out with my friends.

So, overall, it was a pretty good summer. But I STILL can't believe it's almost OVER!!
I hope everyone had a great summer. Imma check my facebook notifications. DUCES and I'm out.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

An Extremely Boring Post (Read At Your Own Risk)

Greetings, comrades!
If you are reading this it is probably because you enjoyed previous posts of mine. But, I have to warn you, this post is going to be extremely boring. You may have to get some duct tape to put over your mouth so you don't yawn un-ceasingly. I'm serious. This post is going to be the most boring, the most awfully writted post I've ever done before.
I like chives. Chives are nummy. They are not as nummy as sammiches, but chives are still nummy. I also like tuna. Tuna sammiches are good. I would like to nom tuna sammiches all day long. On the beach.

SEE!! wasn't that the most boring post ever!! and it was so random!! *sigh*. What am I going to do??

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Bread of Laziness

I think I ate some of that bread (lol).
Today is Tuesday, and i'm sick. My tonsils have swollen into grapes and my temperature changes more than... um... that one girl from Degrassi.
I've pretty much stayed on the couch for 3 days, which is why I'm slowly pecking out this message on the Wii keyboard.
Sadly, with this sickness I am disinterested in one of the things I formerly loved- eating.
Except for the bread of laziness. I still- and always will- love that bread : D

Monday, June 28, 2010


Our coon hound Penny is not new news, but she's always fun to talk about.
Penny is the prettiest dog I've ever seen, and everyone in the house treats her like royalty. She sleeps in until late morning hours. I don't know why, but immediately when we see her stretched out on the sofa in the morning we can't resist her cuteness.
She's a diva, too. She'll walk around and act like she's queen of the house. I'm not kidding you.
Penny is awesome.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Trekking Across the Oakie Border

In exactly... five days my fam is headed for Kennewick for the annual convention. We'll be staying in the Red Lion inn. A few other families we know are staying there. Such as the Kammeyers (see Chey's Words) and... well that's the only family I remember at this moment.
ANYWAY... I'm looking forward to the trip 'cause I want to go shopping. It's really nice just to shop till you drop sometimes.
I don't have much news on my book. Still working on getting it published. I think that once I DO get it published I'm going to get all my friends a big fat prezzie (present, for those of you who do not understand teenange lingo). I already know what I'm getting Nanner (Cheyenne)... But I'll never say it. Ok I will.
I want to get Nanner a Nikon D5000. I'll prolly get one for myself, too. And yeah, I know that their crazy expensive but I can hope, right?
I don't know yet what I'm getting Shelbster. I thought that I might clear out the Hard Candy aisle for her, seeing she's such a nut for that stuff. I'll get a her a nice big case, too.
For Raine I'll get some nice leather bound journals and some awesome pens, a handful of sketching pencils and a leather bound sketchbook with a sunflower on the front.
For Ash a DSi and some games. Also, I'll get her a book on how to make clothing for animals (she wants to be a canine clothing designer, you see) and some material and sewing needles.
for Chibi a cashmere dog bed and some custom dog shampoo so she can always smell like sweetened green tea or candy grapes. Or bananas.
For Sami I'll get some awesome high heels in crazy cool colors and some clothes.
For myself? I'll buy myself the entire clique series. Oh, and a Nikon D5000. Because that thing looks freakin' awesome. Anyway, I guess I'll blog more some other time. Thx for reading.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Whew! Finished!

Hey everyone!
I have great news... I finally finished writing AND editing The Swimnyst (my book). Whew. It feels good to have finally finished a book.
I guess now my main goal is to find a publisher. My goal is to have it published as soon as possible. I don't know exactly how long the process takes, but I hope my book can be out in 2011.
Well, that's really all I got for now. I just wanted to share the big news. I'll probably blog more tomorrow or Friday.


P.S. I was doing some random research yesterday. Did you know that the Ancient Romans used powdered mouse brains for their toothpaste? Ick. And I complain about the flavor of our 'Brisk Mint' toothpaste sometimes.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hola, chickas (and, uh, non chickas?)!
The reason I have titled this post 'Hungry' is because lately I've been HUNGRY!!!! I don't know why. Maybe I'm getting taller (again), or maybe I'm not eating enough (psh, yeah right) or maybe I've got that weird worm that crawls into your intestine and eats all your food (eww! that would really suck).
Either way, I'm still hungry. Already this morning I've eaten;

1. A poppy seed bagel w/ cream cheese
2. 3 handfuls of Colossal Berry Crunch cereal
3. 8 Saltines

Ok, maybe I haven't eaten as much as I thought I had. But whatever! I'm still hungry! And I have to wait an entire half an hour before I can eat lunch!
To distract myself from food I've been checking to see if Lisi Harrison has put out a new post on her Blah-g. Update: she still hasn't.
So, I figured I'd just post to pass the time. O
Oh yeah! Exciting news! I just finished writing The Swimnyst yesterday. With the help of my Ah-dorable cousin, Raine.
Well, I'm going to check Lisi's blah-g now. And then I'm going to eat some more saltines.

Past the teeth and over the gums!!


Friday, June 4, 2010

The Incredible Sulk

I dyed my hair AGAIN!!!
And this time I'm going brunette. You see, it started Tuesday morning when my dad had to take Gabe and Jesse to school. I'd been begging for the past week for a time when I could go to the co-op in town to grab some henna in auburn. My roots had grown out a lot, leaving this big, dirty blond stripe in the middle of my reddish-gold curls. So when we got to the co-op, I flocked to the hair care section and was extremely disappointed to see that they didn't carry auburn henna at the time. I looked at the other shelf, though and they sold Dark Brunette henna. This proceeded to remind me that I'd been contemplating whether or not to go brunette or not. So, instead of buying auburn another time, I simply got dark brunette.
Once we were back at the house I was eager to get on with the process, so I pored over the instructions, making sure not to miss a single detail. It was all ready to go in about an hour and a half. Mom spread the mushy glop all over my hair. I think I had it a bit too runny, though, because it was dripping all over me and the floor. My pink shirt was ruined.
I had to wear a plastic IGA bag on my head for an hour while the henna worked its magic. I smelled like dirt and I had to keep wiping drips of wet henna off my face, but eventually it was over and I showered and rinsed off.
I loved the dark brunette. I thought, as I gazed in the mirror, that it made my eyes look bluer and my teeth whiter. Dakota brought us to Subway for dinner and then we got ready for meeting.
I felt like a million bucks walking into the Kingdom Hall wearing a red turtleneck sleevless shirt, a black skirt with white polka-dots, and my mom's new black sandals. I immediately went to my friends for their opinions. I cornered Nanner next to the magazine counter and asked;
"Well, how do you like it?"
"Am I the first one you asked?" she said, pinching her eyebrows together and glancing over her shoulder.
"Yes," I said, impatient.
"I don't want to be the first one!" she said.
My heart fell, but I held my smirk. "You don't like it, do you?"
She shook her head and shrugged.
"Rewative," I muttered under my breath, rolling my eyes. 'Rewative' is my word jumble for 'whatver'.
Next I hung by Shelby, waiting for her to comment first. She didn't say anything for a long time, so I finally mentioned casually; "My hair is darker,"
She narrowed her eyes, grabbing a couple of my locks. "Oh! I just noticed." and then her expression changed. "Oh my gosh!" she cried, her hands flying to her mouth. "It's green!"
My stomach lurched. "What?"
"Your hair!" she cried. "It's green!"
I must have been shaking my head because she turned to her mother. "Mom," she said, gesturing to me. "Isn't Cheyenne's hair green?" Kelly narrowed her eyes, studying me.
"Well it's not really GREEN," she drawled. I heaved a sigh of relief. But Kelly wasn't finished. "It's more like avacado."
"Oh, great," I mumbled, tearing away from the two to check out my 'do in the girls' room. I stood myself in front of the mirror and studied my newly died waves.
They had been right. In the dim light of my house, I hadn't been able to tell the color of my hair. In the bright, harsh lighting of the kingdom hall I looked like I was wearing Oscar the Grouch on my head.
"You should really dye your hair a couple of days before the meeting next time," Shelby suggested after the program was over. It was all I could do not to pummel her into the ground and run sobbing to my vehicle. I just held a fake smile and told her that it was a lovely idea.
"It'll fade," I convinced myself. And it did. Today is Friday, and my hair is, thankfully, just a dark brown with copper highlights. I'm glad the whole ordeal is over. But, still, every now and then my mom likes to tease me about it. Like for example, when I mentioned to her that If I ate one more piece of celery I might turn green and she promptly said; "To match your hair?"
I'm going to laugh that day when she looks in the mirror, only to discover that I've shaved her bald. Heck, I'm already laughing.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

iPod Shuffle game

Single Ladies- Beyonce

Kissin U- Miranda Cosgrove

Numa Numa

Boys will be boys- backstreet boys

Soak up the Sun- Cheryl Crow

Selkath Fight- Jeremy Soule
I'm Yours

Feel Good inc.

Halo- Beyonce

Oops I did it again
A Place In This World

#3 Victory Beat

I will always love you- Whitney Houstan

Taris Sewers- Jeremy Soule

Samson- Spektor

Edit- Spektor

Baby- JB
Hyrule Field Main Theme

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

RaNdOm SuRvEy!!

The Basics
Full Name Cheyenne
You like it? Depends on mood
Birthdate 10/13/96
Height/Weight 5'8 (well, almost) and 143
Eye Color icy blue
Hair Color currently golden red
Can you...
Drive? I don't know. I've never tried.
Drive a manual? " "
Touch your nose with your tongue? eww
Cook? Does top ramen and pb cookies count?
Dance? I vaguely remember the hoedown throwdown from HM
Sing? Uh, when I'm alone. But the girl in the mirror flinches.
Sew? Nah.
Speak another language? Some words in spansih, thats all.
Have you ever...
Eaten sushi? Yumm, i love sushi
Been in love? No
Skipped school? noo
Made prank calls? ha ha maybe
Done illegal drugs? ew. No way.
Stolen something worth more than ? no
Flashed someone? sick.
Been drunk? no
Eaten squid? Yeah. it's real slippery
Been to New York City? That would be cool. But no.
Been to London? No
Drink Used to be SoBe. But I'm boycotting them because they use plastic now.
Soda Diet Coke. Which is strange because my least is Coke Zero.
Food Sushi
Restaurant Thought I loved FB's until I went there again.
Color Romantic Red
Artist T-swift and DCFC.
Album I like making mixes.
Website Facebook
The Last
Person to hit you ha ha idk. Maybe Gabe or Jesse.
Person you wanted to hit same
Person you hugged Uhh, I'm not a very hug-y person
Person you kissed M'daddy
Person you wanted to kiss you Psh. practically any guy who looks at me. JK ha ha
Country you've been in USA
Car you've driven Uh..... none
Law you've broken Prolly sat in shotgun underage.
Thing you ate Cheese nips. SO EVIL
Thing you drank Drinking a diet coke right now
Thing you said "dakota, what was the last thing I said?"
Book you read Anne of Green Gables
Show you watched IASIP

Get to know me a little better. The questions that really help you to know me. Have fun.
If you could live in any other place, where & why? Um, Seattle bcuz I'd be near my older brotehrs.
What animal best represents you & why? A hyena because I laugh a lot and Im fast.
What is the craziest thing you ever did? Screamed the lyrics to 'fearless' on top of a hill
If you could meet anyone, who would it be & why? Jim Gaffigan because I want to laugh and laugh and laugh.
If you could go back in time & live in any decade, which would it be & why? 80's bcuz I wannna see what it was like
If you could have any superpower what would it be? Flying. I would fly everywhere.
Whos is your ultimate celebrity crush? Idk. David Beckham and Chace Crawford are cute.
What color best represents you? Pink, Yellow, neon green. Neon green = I'm crazy. Pink = Im a sweetie. Yellow = I have a sunny attitude.
What would your life's theme song be? Soak up the sun by Cheryl Crow
Who would you cast to play you in a movie? Bridget whatsherface from the Clique. The one who played Kristen. That or Alexis Bledel.
What celebrity best represents your vision of fashion? Tay Swift. I like the way she dresses relaxed yet fashionable
What would your life movie be called? "Your MOM"
What is the greatest music video of all time? idk. I haven't seen many. U belong with me.
If you could star in any t.v. show, which one would it be? Community or SNL
What vehicle best represents you? A HOT PINK MONSTER TRUCK
If you could bring back 1 famous person from the dead for a day, who & why? UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
If you became president, what would you do first? N/A
If you got one tattoo, what would it be? A dragonfly on my ankle.
If you were on MTV's Made, what would you ask to be? No idea.
Who do you think is the hottest athlete? David Beckham
Who do you think is the hottest actor/actress? Hottest actor. Um... Leam Hensworth?
Who do you think is the hottest musician/singer/rapper? there's also alot.
Who do you think is the hottest t.v. reality star? I D K
What sport best represents you & why? Tennis because I'm fast and nobody ever knows which way I'm going.
What is your most missed memory of childhood? putting matresses on the stair case and throwing myself down the stair well.
What is your greatest accomplishment? I have no idea.

Dragging along...

Here's how the life of an author goes...

Yes, that's my life.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Run to the Border- 2010

What a day!
This morning I woke up, ready to go out in service. I was lying on the couch, eating yogurt, when my Mom brought up the fact that Nita was riding her bike down to Peteros with Kelley and Shelby for the Run to the Border- 2010 event. I mentioned that Shelby had told me about that and that it sounded fun. So my mom texted Nita, and minutes later she told me I was going on a motorcycle ride.
Excited, I rushed into my room and put on long pants and a t-shirt, just like Mom had suggested. Nita showed up at 9:30 with a leather vest, coat, and chaps. I felt kind of silly wearing the chaps, but I didn't mention it to Nita.
We drove to Nita's house and saw Kelley and Shelby already there, laughing at Joel as he did some weird, un-human dance. After about fifteen minutes of teasing from Joel about the foam cushion Nita said I could use as a seat, Nita stuffed the yellow padding into some sort of black felt bag so that it looked less obvious.
"There" she said. "Now people won't make fun of you for your foam butt.
"Ha ha.." Joel giggled girlishly. "Foam butt. Foam butt."
I just rolled my eyes. What a loser.
We rode all the way down to Peteros. I looked back and forth. It was interesting to see all the stuff I had missed when I just rode in our big blue van. It doesn't seem like it would make much of a difference.. but It really does.
When we got to Peteros, my eyes bogged out of my head. Rows and rows of shiny bikes gleamed and glistened before my eyes. The area was thick with bikers. Suddenly I didn't feel so stupid in the chaps. I felt proud,like I would be weird without them. Nita got me a Diet Coke and slice of Pizza and we walked around for a couple minutes. I saw lots of people. At around 11:45 everyone started pouring into the road. Police cars had to stop other automobiles from getting in our way. I felt bad for them... sorta. I also sort of felt like a celebrity because everyone was waving and smiling at us, and if I waved back their face would light up and the would turn to their friends as if to say 'did you see that?'
We made it to Oroville and I felt like my butt was going to fall off it hurt so bad. I felt bad for poor Shelby, who didn't even have a foam cushion. We ate lunch at Fat Boys (jalapeno poppers and a Shirley Temple) and then I got taken back to my house. It was a fabulous day.
Thanks for reading.

Chey ♥

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

On the coast (again?)

We made it to the coast (whew)! Right now, some of the adults are downstairs eating salad or whatever we have left over from this week, which has been stressfull, to let you know. We woke up on Tuesday morning (we being Mom, Dad, Dakota, Chey K, and I) and got dressed in our 'coastie' clothing. After loading into the car, we drove to Leavenworth and ate breakfast at Krystals cafe, which was NOT very good. We didn't stop again until we reached the coast.
So before we even got to my Aunt and Uncle's house (where we are staying) we went SHOPPING!!! I was soooo happy. We went to Ross, which even though it is embarrasing to say I shop at Ross, I still love it. I got a cute new dress and to-die-for flats. My mom even bought some new shoes- both pairs which I WILL steal eventually.
For lunch us brave ones (Mom, Kota, Me) went to Suhsiland and ate about 2,000 pounds of sushi. My fave is tuna rolls.
We met up with Daddy and Chey K (who had gone to Red Robin) and drove to my Aunt Bethanie's.
The next morning my mom went to Safeway and bought a bunch of snacky stuff. Later that day, mom took us to get mani-pedis at Oaisis nails or something like that. I even got my brows waxed! That night we went to meeting at the North Bothell hall and I got several compliments on my new dress. It was uber fun.
The next morning we relaxed a little, and we mostly hung around on Thursday. When 6:30 rolled around Bethanie, Mom, me, Taya, and Paula and Raine and went to my Nanna's house for the Bridal shower for Makayla. It was fun. We played the price is right.
On Friday, I went to Skyview Junior High to see my old friends. Little did I know, my 'old friends' went to Leota. The only people I got to see were my 'classmates I knew but didn't bother to talk to'. I was bummed out, but at least I had something to do that morning. A lot of people came on Friday night including Nita Weeks, Craig Weeks, Joel Weeks, Bethany Weeks, Ryan Weeks, Ethan Weeks, Asia Weeks, and Cacie Kothman.
The next day was TODAY! We woke up around 7:00 and got prepped for the wedding. Sky showed up at 7:35, worried about the fog.
"It will be clear before the ceremony" my mom said to reassure him.
"Are you sure?" he stressed. "What time is it?"
"What time's the ceremony?"
We all laughed. Makayla showed up later, but stayed up in the bedroom to get herself all dolled up. When we were all seated, and the wedding song played, she floated down the stairs and delicatly glided across the floor to the "platform".
I pretty much only go to weddings for one thing. During the entire ceremony, I think about it. While they exchanged rings, I thought about it. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm talking about the SNACKS!
Finally, at 2:30, everybody left. I was happy, and I immediately changed my clothes and went outside to play. And now here I sit, happy and content. Hope you enjoyed reading. That is, if you made it this far.

On the coast (again?)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Some Interesting Things....

Strangely enough, my life has been slightly interesting. Now I sit here, with several minutes to blog before 'Chuck' ends and I have to do homework. So grab some hot cider and brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you:
I put mayonnaise in my hair.
Are you surprised? Appalled? Puking your stomach out because the mere thought of putting a thing like mayonnaise in ones hair sounds repulsive? Probably not; it's not that surprising. Lots of people do that.
It didn't work super well, but my hair is sort of shinier. Anyway, that's the most interesting thing I did.
Another thing I did was choreograph a dance (O.K. Raine helped a little). It goes to Halo, by Beyonce. It's pretty cool. Anyone who wants to see it should go to the end of the year talent show.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

♫ We will, we will, smack you! ♫

Did you like the title? I thought it might catch your attention. No worries, no one will be smacking anyone. Today I did nothing. I wish I had a more interesting life, because then I could write wonderful things in my blog. Instead you have to constantly hear about how bored I am. Isn't that just typical?
Instead of saying how bored I am, I'm going to make up what happened today. Here goes:

This morning I awoke at five a.m and got out my samurai sword. After fighting off a band of bloodthirsty ninjas I ate an elephant for breakfast. Then I climbed into a jet and flew to Australia where I taste tested wasabi for three hours in a row after thatI went to Russia and rode a camel to Moscow. I filled in for Angelina Jolie in a movie at quarter to three, and then rushed to Washington DC for my meeting with Mr. President. He gave me three thousand bags of popcorn at my request, and all I had to do was teach his daughter how to yodle. Then I went to Japan for a dinner of sushi, where I ended up winning 5,000 dollars. Then, exhausted, I headed home and fell asleep.

And that was my day. Exciting, huh?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sitting here, bored, with nothing to do.

Just to let yall know, I'm bored. It's Wednesday and I already finished a load of homework, already checked my facebook TWICE, already ate lunch, cleaned my room, did my chores, and talked to Penney. So now I'm blogging and thinking about what to do. I think I will play outside.


A Whole New Year (Part 3, finally!)

Sorry about not posting, folks. Been real busy (not really).
So after we came back from Tai Ho, It was extremely busy. The hotel was packed with little kids.
"Oh, great," I said, rolling my eyes. "Now the pool is going to be stuffed with six-year-olds afraid of getting their head wet." The elevator was taking a long time to go back and forth because of all the passengers. I thought about taking the stairs, but right as I turned towards the stairwell the elevator opened up.
When I got to my room I put on my bikini and headed down. There was a group of girls acting like loonies in the pool. I just pretended to be busy and annoyed by them while I slipped into the hot tub. There was another girl there, and I said 'hi' to be polite. She wasn't in the group of girls. After a while I watched her slip into the pool and wade around. I talked with her for a bit, then I got bored and headed for the pool. I tried talking to mystery girl more, but I was not quick enough. She and her mom left. Disappointed, I stood under the waterfall as it came on. I smiled to myself as the other girls envy-stared at me. It was like I had some disease that made it so they had to stay forty feet away from me.
I left the pool a while later, because Levi was there and I wanted to say hi. Some other people visited too, I just forgot who. Levi stayed for a long while, and he ended up coming swimming with us later. It was fun, except for the part where the mean old guy told Dakota to stop cannon-balling. Some uptight mom probably complained about getting wet. In a POOL ROOM. So after he talked to Dakota EVERYone started cannon-balling. The guy was so mad that he stormed to the center and told everyone to stop diving or they would be forced to leave. Everyone cannon-balled when he left, except us of course. We left because we were bored.
Levi stayed until around midnight on Friday night. I fell asleep before he left, so I didn't get the chance to say bye.
The next morning I got dressed in my Saturday outfit and zoomed down to the breakfast buffet, inhaling my yogurt and muffins. Then everyone got in the car and we drove to Pike Place market. After looking at most of the stores, we all headed to the Seattle Science Center. We looked at a couple cool displays and then went to the Planetarium. In the Planetarium, Sky and Makayla walked in, and Sky proposed to Makayla!! Then their song played and they danced. Everyone took pictures.
We ended the day by going to The Old Spaghetti factory. It was fun, and tasty too. The next morning we packed our belongings, loaded into the car, and headed home.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Whole New Year! (Part 2; read the one under this first, please)

At around 11:00 we got out of the pool, showered and got dressed. We went to Tai Ho for lunch, and it was even better than I remembered. We even picked up Grandma, and she ate with us. At the end of the meal we got our cute little fortune cookies. Mine said "You will be succesful in love" (ooooh!).
Mama says we are going to study watchtower now, so I have to go. In part 3 of 'A Whole New Year' You will here about Saturday's surprising turn of events!

Whole New Year!

Well, 2009 is gone and here we are, starting a new decade. One of the very first things we did was roadtrip down to Seattle. This time, though, we dragged along some oakie blood- Cheyenne Kammeyer (see Chey's Words). Our first stop was Beth's Cafe`. Dakota and Gabe tackled a 12-egg omlett and mom and dad ate one together. I ate a huge $6.00 milkshake with french fries, and both Jesse and the other Chey had cheeseburgers.
After that filling brunch, we checked into the Embassy Suites. All of us kids gazed at the shining tile floors and the decorative koi pond. Jesse, however, was more interested in the pool. A short time later we unlocked our rooms and let orselves in. It was the best looking hotel room I had ever seen. Of course the first thing we did was get dressed for the pool. Because it was mid-week it was empty (yay). I wanted to relax in the hot tub first, But Cheyenne insisted on going into the pool first. So we jumped in. The water was surprisingly warm, and I waded in it for abot 5 minutes before I set foot in the hot tub. The hot tub was was NICE! I was so relaxed I nearly fell asleep. My next stop was the sauna, which was great! I loved the sauna.
I played in the pool probaby 1 1/2 hours that day before heading upstairs to take a hot shower. Then I got dressed and ready for a visit to one of my aunts- Aunt Bethany. She made deliciouse chicken enchiladas that tasted so good they could be in the 'Guiness Book of World Records'. The rest of the night I split my time equally between visiting my cousins and visiting my aunts.
The next morning I headed down to the breakfast and helped my self to Rice Krispies, Pancakes and Bacon. I also had cocoa and apple juice. For the rest of the morning I played in the pool. It was nice, because when they turned on the waterfall it was cool to stand under it. It was also great because the pool was pretty much empty, besides one boy whom we didn't know. We ended up playing Marco Polo w/ him. More in Part 2.