Thursday, December 25, 2008


   As you can clearly see from the title, nothing exciting has happened here lately. The snow has been piling up in great heaps. This morning we woke up at 9:59, which was bad because we were supposed to be at the Kammeyer's house at 10:00 for brunch. So we called them and told them we were going to be "a little late." We all got ready as fast as possible, then we left. Gabriel and Jesse were dropped off with Gina because they were going to the Week's Residence. Then Daddy, Mama, and I went to Rob & Gina Ks. Immediately when we got there I announced (as I usually do) that "The party had arrived." Then I went to say hi to Lilly.

    She was playing "Dig Dug" which, I assume, is her favorite game for N64. So I asked her If I could try. She agreed, then I proceeded to be poned by the monsters in the game. Embarrassed that a 6-year-old was better than me, I used the age-old excuse: "Yeah, well, you've played longer." Cheyenne Kammeyer came into the room and I made haste to get up and say hi. We went into her room and she and I listened to Taylor Swift's new album. Then after a while we got goofy and started hitting her inflated heart thingy back and forth like a volleyball. But that fun ended when Rob pounded on the door to say "Stop banging around." I noticed a box of baby clothes on the ground and couldn't resist it. "Can we play with this stuff?" I asked her, trying not to sound too much like a twelve-year-old that wanted to play dolls. "Sure," was her answer.

    I sat on the ground and pulled out the boxes, which, as I suspected, were filled to the brim with baby clothes, socks, and shoes. "I got most of this stuff from my sister after Asia out-grew them," She said. "Mmm-hmm" was my reply as I struggled to shove my baby's foot into some footy-pajamas.   We talked for a while, then Cheyenne said: "When are we going to do egg-babies?" My ears perked up, for I LOVE egg-babies. I asked mom, and was disappointed when she said "next semester." I went back to the room and dressed my baby. Then Cheyenne came in holding to eggs in her hand. She gave me one. "Did you ask?" I said. She shook her head. I decided that id the parents didn't want to waste their eggs that we could at least decorate them. I picked up a marker and got started. 

   The parents didn't mind. In fact, they thought they were adorable. Cheyenne and I spent the rest of the day playing around. Around dusk we created a show called "Name That Creature," in which two Barbies interviewed our egg-babies. It was fun. The sad thing was my egg cracked when I got home from meeting that night. I can always do another though! Gee, I guess more than I thought happened!

Joke: What do Australian Toads say?
Answer: Croaky!

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