Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snow, Snow, Go Away. Come Again... Never!

The snow we still have around the property is driving me crazy! It's trampled down and now just mere slush. Five words; I can't wait 'til summer! Swimming in Lake Osoyoos, making mud concrete in the sandpile. Not to mention falling asleep to the sound of sprinklers. Even weeding the garden is better than this winter torture!

On a more positive note, my hair is growing and I can speak enough spanish to confuse my family :) I also got my grades for this semester. I have a GPA of 3.94! This semester I am shooting for a 4.0. My mom picked up some flax oil at the grocery store for my dry skin. I have to chug down a glass of juice and it every morning (glah!) Chibi is in heat again. Let's hope for some puppies!I spent the night at the Kammeyers on Saturday night. I give them a special thank-you shout out. Sunday was the Superbowl. Despite all my cheering and hopeful thoughts, the Cardinals lost. I pigged on the snacks there, though. They had everything there; even shrimp cocktail!

That is all for now, I guess. Thanks for reading!

It's still here (groan)

My hair is growing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

looks good chey! ps, kota is picking his nose in the background haha