Monday, May 11, 2009


On Sunday morning I woke up and Aunt Paula handed me and Raine a watchtower and said we needed to read through it. So we did. I had left my Watchtower at home! So we read through it and It was a good one, I thought. We went to the meeting and got there a little late, so we sat in on the right side of the kingdom hall and in the middle row. The brother giving the talk did a very good job, I found It was a nice talk.
The watchtower study was fun, too. On one paragraph a brother raised his hand and told us that he looked up what "refuse" meant and that it literally meant dog droppings! Well, the brother next to us (I am pretty sure his name is Brian) couldn't stop laughing!
After the meeting I met a brother named Stephen ( Stef en, not Steefen) and a girl named Lisa who was really nice.
We went to the mall after meeting and I got new shoes. I think I will go pants shopping with Aunt Chanelle. After that we went to a little dinner. Courtney, Raine, Keliana and me did a skit about the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. It was funny. After while the party died down and people started leaving. Aunt Paula and Uncle Dan picked us up and we went home. Raine and I watched Enchanted and then I fell asleep.

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